Volunteer with StoryBook!
Every year StoryBook volunteers dedicate hundreds of hours to help us create theatre magic! StoryBook is dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that welcomes people of all ages, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, and ethnicity. Check out some of our volunteer opportunities below!

Here's how you and your family can Volunteer

Join our Casino list!
We are thrilled to have you as a volunteer for the casino nights. Your support and dedication are truly appreciated. Thank you for being a part of our team.
We are looking for dedicated volunteers to assist all our productions this season as VOLUNTEER USHERS! We ask that all volunteers are over the age of 12.
Ushering duties include, but are not limited to:
Greeting patrons and distributing programs
Scanning tickets
Showing patrons to their seats
Assisting with theatre clean-up after the show
Concession duties, including but not limited to:
Distribution of drinks and snacks
Handling small monetary transactions
Raffle duties (18+), including but not limited to:
Selling raffle tickets
Handling small monetary transactions
Enjoy watching the entire show at your volunteer performance as our thanks to you!
PLEASE NOTE - You will be assigned ushering duties upon arrival based on where help is needed most.
Things to know prior to arrival:
DRESS CODE - All ushers are expected to dress in black attire with NO dominant logo or branded imagery. We ask that you do not wear jeans, t-shirts or sports clothing, including hoodies or tanks. Black jeans will be permitted provided there are no tears. You are a representative of StoryBook Theatre when volunteering and we ask that you come ready to play the part. A StoryBook Volunteer vest will be provided to complete your attire. You may wish to wear long sleeves as the theatre can be chilly in the winter months.
ARRIVE ON TIME – Last minute changes to your commitment to volunteer or not showing up causes significant disruption for StoryBook patrons, fellow volunteers, and staff. Showing up late for your volunteer shift could result in your removal from the list for that evening's performance. Please note that frequent cancellations or no shows may result in your name being removed from our future volunteer list without notice, so please only sign up for shows you know you will be able to attend. Usher shifts are typically 3.5 - 4 hours.
We thank you for your time and dedication. We look forward to seeing you at the show! Should you have any questions please send an email to volunteer@storybooktheatre.org

Thank You
Did you know that StoryBook Theatre is Canada’s largest volunteer-driven Theatre for Young Audiences? StoryBook has been serving our community since 1977 - all thanks to our volunteers. We couldn't do it without you! You can learn more about StoryBook's history and our volunteers here.
Storybook Theatre is looking for dedicated volunteers to assist all our productions this season as SPOTLIGHT OPERATORS! All volunteers must be over the age of 14.
Have you ever wanted to learn more about what goes on behind-the-curtain, or how technical theatre wizardry helps create the magic you see onstage? Volunteering as a spotlight operator is a very easy way for anyone to get a taste for what it’s like to work in a technical theatre environment! As the spot op it is your responsibility to shine a light on the artists who have been working for months to create this show and play this part - this is no small ask. You play a big part in elevating the performance, and therefore need to understand the responsibility needed to fulfill this role.
Spotlight Operators are required to attend a training shift and commit themselves to volunteering for at least 4 shows during a run. Volunteers who do this role spend a good deal of the show on their feet with breaks in between spot times and between acts.
Anyone wishing to volunteer as a spot operator is required to:
- attend 1 or 2 training shifts during TECH week to familiarize yourself with the equipment and the cues for each show
- commit to spot operating for at least 4 other shifts throughout the run of the production
If you are unable to attend the training days in tech week but can be available for 4 or more shows, please let us know and we will work with you to find a solution. Each show will have two spot operator shifts that need to be filled. Showtimes depend on the specific production. Show schedules can be provided to interested volunteers upon request.
Things to know prior to arrival:
DRESS CODE - All volunteers are expected to dress in black attire with NO dominant LOGO or branded imagery. We ask that you do not wear jeans, t-shirts or sports clothing, including hoodies or tanks. Black jeans will be permitted provided there are no tears. You are a representative of StoryBook Theatre when volunteering and we ask that you come ready to play the part.
ARRIVE ON TIME – Last minute changes to your commitment to volunteer or not showing up causes significant disruption for StoryBook patrons, fellow volunteers, and crew. Showing up late for your volunteer shift could result in your removal from the list for that evening's performance. Please note that frequent cancellations or no shows may result in your name being removed from our future volunteer list without notice, so please only sign up for shows you know you will be able to attend. Spot Operators should arrive one hour before showtime, and are expected to stay for the duration of the performance.
Storybook Theatre is looking for volunteers to assist backstage during our shows as a WARDROBE ASSISTANT.
The costume pieces from our shows are an important element in the magic of theatre. We are looking for volunteers to help out backstage during each show to perform immediate costume repairs and to assist with the care and keeping of wardrobe items before and after the show.
Tasks that may be required during the show could be performing quick repairs such as rips and tears, zipper malfunctions, and other interim fixes. Volunteers who do this role should be comfortable working under pressure and have good creative problem-solving skills.
Wardrobe assistants are required to commit to volunteering for at least 4 shows during a run and must be 18 years or older with basic sewing skills.

Typically 2 - 6 hours
Ages 12 & up, or under 11 accompanied by an adult
Throughout the year we offer a variety of ways for folx to get involved with set building or show support. We encourage families to attend and help make theatre magic! Tasks involved might be painting, decorating, cutting, gluing, etc. We always have a variety of tasks for every skill set and every ability! Families are welcome to sign-up together. Those 11 years and under must be accompanied by an adult. Anyone aged 12+ can attend alone.
DRESS CODE – Set building is tons of fun – but it can get messy! While there is no required dress code for this role, we recommend coming to the set build ready to get a little messy and wearing clothes appropriate for painting.
ARRIVE ON TIME – Last minute changes to your commitment to volunteer or not showing up for a set build after signing up causes significant disruption for fellow StoryBook volunteers, staff, and crew. Set build days don’t have scheduled shifts, so if you can only come volunteer for an hour or two that is okay! Just let us know when we can expect to have you with us. Set build days are organized around how many volunteers we have signed up, so please only sign up for times you know you will be able to attend.